Hello !
I saved the game in cave right before fighting a dragon. No idea what happened but anytime i tried to save from this point led to crash (no matter what save i loaded)
I tried to save/fix for 2 hours unit i fixed it by loading last(any) save 2 times.
Chiqx thank you
I just want to report this bug so we can get rid of it in the future.
My pc:
Windows 10 64bit
i7 3770k
RottenDub post:Causes for some crashes might be :
1.Pack's path is not X:\Skyrim -
Pack path is on X:\Skyrim - i have free partition X:\ on SSD i made only for this pack.2.Load order is incorrect -
my load order is same as http://www.modwat.ch/u/RottenDub3.Patches wrongfully re-made -
no idea what its means (i didnt patch anything)4.Some installation instructions were not followed correctly -
its possible but i read guides here and watched your vids5.Leavening task manager open (messes with MO's hook/virtualization) -
no task manager open at crash time6.Messing with the ini's to much without nothing what each setting does. -
only from your guide (like EnableUnsafeMemoryHacks=false)7.Messing with ENB's ini's to much without nothing what each setting does. -
i use your ENB Preset Low8.Playing the pack with forcebordeless window on set to true ini ENB ini (had 1 crash while playing like this) -
ForceBorderless=false ForceBorderlessFullscreen=false9.Having sub par hardware and not the recommended settings (your game will crash without warning as they hit their limit or shutdown not to damage themselves from overheating) -
none of my Hardware can get past 55C in skyrim.10.Adding mods while not fully reading author's description and instructions or adding mods that conflict with the ones in the pack (textures are OK) -
didnt add anythingi am deleting all .tmp files from save folderAfter all this any of my saves i loaded still crashed when i tried to save.Loading last save TWICE let me save again thus fixing the problem.I have no idea why my save was crashing,i can give you the save which started the endless crash loop.